Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Finland's Best Place to work

Hannu Terävä writes:

"Our company, Reaktor Innovations, just won the Great Place to Work competition in Finland last month.  It means that we are, according to this survey, the best work place in Finland.  It was the first time we attended and we got the best points ever in Finland.

"What you might find interesting is that we operate very much the same way as you teach (again, based on articles and the blog).  If I remember correctly, "Practice What You Preach" was one of the first eye-openers for me that we might be actually doing things properly.  In the book I found many things about successful companies familiar from Reaktor.

"So my point was to let you know that there's one more successful company (and happy people) in the world that is pretty much aligned with your thinking.  Of course, we don't just follow your articles but think ourselves what's best for the people and the company in the long run.  Not forgetting the customers.

Oh yes, it's financially wise too.  We have now about 90 employees and are doing excellent."

Congratulations, Hannu and Reaktor!

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