Monday, September 18, 2006

"Why Merge?" -- new strategy seminar download

This week's podcast seminar, "Why Merge?", discusses the pros and cons (mostly cons) of trying to achieve strategic benefit through mergers.

This seminar includes:

  • Menu, Bulk, Dots, Alchemy & Crisis: the five types of professional company mergers
  • Client-centric merger strategies
  • Four-point checklist for a successful merger

My Business Masterclass audio seminars are always downloadable at no cost. You can download Why Merge? or or sign up to receive new seminars automatically every week by subscribing to my Business Masterclass series with iTunes or other podcast players. (Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to subscribe.)

Given all the merger activity that DOES take place, my sceptical views about the benefits of mergers in professional businesses seem to be out of step with what's going on out there. What am I missing?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just don't like when bigger and more powerful companies merge with lesser known companies in order to overtake their resources and knowhow.