Tuesday, September 12, 2006

"Adapting to the Future" -- new free strategy seminar

This week's podcast seminar, "Adapting to the Future: Whatever it is" (downloadable at no cost), poses the question:

How do you ensure that your organisation is good at identifying and examining emerging needs -- and devising successful responses?

Through planning (and re-examination of current business management practices) organisations can become better at listening to the environment and picking up change signals early. They can also become better at ensuring that they have numerous experiments (or pilots) going on to test new ideas and new approaches. Companies should be constantly testing what the market will and will not respond to. They must avoid complacency and be adaptive by constantly asking "Is there a better way to do what we do?"

You can download Adapting to the Future or sign up to receive new seminars automatically every week by subscribing to my Business Masterclass series with iTunes or other podcast players. (Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to subscribe.)

What do you think the keys are to becoming more adaptable (or more adaptive) to changing environments? What are the key practices that help organisations respond fast (and well) to their environment?

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