Monday, September 4, 2006

"Justifying the Company" -- new free downloadable seminar

This week's podcast seminar, "Justifying the Company" (downloadable at no cost), poses the question:

In an organisation where every decentralised operating unit is responsible for its own strategic plan, what is the role of the company itself?

The seminar explores how to ensure that the company or firm acts as more than just a holding company, a common trading name, or an excuse to share overheads.

The seminar includes:

  • The six key elements organisations can share across operational boundaries to create greater value for the whole
  • Two versions of managerial added-value that increase performance
  • Branding: the true value of a brand as performance standards

You can listen to the episode with the above player, download Justifying the Company, or sign up to receive new seminars automatically every week by subscribing to my Business Masterclass series with iTunes or other podcast players.

The podcast is also related to ideas we've discussed in these blog posts:

What do you think I have left out? What do you think are the ways in which firms can and do add value? How do they REALLY go beyond being just holding companies with financial management procedures?

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