Tuesday, September 26, 2006

More Things in More Places

While most professional businesses, from banks to ad agencies to accounting firms, want to grow multidisciplinary relationships with key accounts, their attempts to create one-stop shopping strategies usually stumble, and even those firms implementing modern client relationship management (CRM) programs are still struggling to make them work.

This week's free audio seminar, More Things in More Places, addresses what it takes to implement any multidisciplinary and/or geographic expansion strategy successfully.

The key ingredient:

Expansion is not what you do in order to achieve excellence -- it's what you are allowed to do after you have achieved it.

To explore why this common and much-desired strategy is so hard to pull off, I examine expansion strategies from the buyers' perspective, including:

  • Cross-selling vs. co-ordinated teams: the client-centric distinction
  • What a client wants from a project co-ordinator
  • How to tell when geographic expansion makes sense -- and when it doesn't

My Business Masterclass audio seminars are always downloadable at no cost. You can download More Things in More Places or sign up to receive new seminars automatically by subscribing to my Business Masterclass podcast series with iTunes or other podcast players. (Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to subscribe.)

This seminar was based on my article, True Professionalism, as well as the following resources available for free on this website:

Again I want to know: if one-stop shopping and premature geographic expansion have just dismal track records (and they do, in industry after industry, profession after profession), why are so many firms, small and large, still eagerly pursuing this? I'm ready to admit they may be right and I'm wrong, but what am I missing?

Monday, September 18, 2006

"Why Merge?" -- new strategy seminar download

This week's podcast seminar, "Why Merge?", discusses the pros and cons (mostly cons) of trying to achieve strategic benefit through mergers.

This seminar includes:

  • Menu, Bulk, Dots, Alchemy & Crisis: the five types of professional company mergers
  • Client-centric merger strategies
  • Four-point checklist for a successful merger

My Business Masterclass audio seminars are always downloadable at no cost. You can download Why Merge? or or sign up to receive new seminars automatically every week by subscribing to my Business Masterclass series with iTunes or other podcast players. (Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to subscribe.)

Given all the merger activity that DOES take place, my sceptical views about the benefits of mergers in professional businesses seem to be out of step with what's going on out there. What am I missing?

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

"Adapting to the Future" -- new free strategy seminar

This week's podcast seminar, "Adapting to the Future: Whatever it is" (downloadable at no cost), poses the question:

How do you ensure that your organisation is good at identifying and examining emerging needs -- and devising successful responses?

Through planning (and re-examination of current business management practices) organisations can become better at listening to the environment and picking up change signals early. They can also become better at ensuring that they have numerous experiments (or pilots) going on to test new ideas and new approaches. Companies should be constantly testing what the market will and will not respond to. They must avoid complacency and be adaptive by constantly asking "Is there a better way to do what we do?"

You can download Adapting to the Future or sign up to receive new seminars automatically every week by subscribing to my Business Masterclass series with iTunes or other podcast players. (Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to subscribe.)

What do you think the keys are to becoming more adaptable (or more adaptive) to changing environments? What are the key practices that help organisations respond fast (and well) to their environment?

Monday, September 4, 2006

"Justifying the Company" -- new free downloadable seminar

This week's podcast seminar, "Justifying the Company" (downloadable at no cost), poses the question:

In an organisation where every decentralised operating unit is responsible for its own strategic plan, what is the role of the company itself?

The seminar explores how to ensure that the company or firm acts as more than just a holding company, a common trading name, or an excuse to share overheads.

The seminar includes:

  • The six key elements organisations can share across operational boundaries to create greater value for the whole
  • Two versions of managerial added-value that increase performance
  • Branding: the true value of a brand as performance standards

You can listen to the episode with the above player, download Justifying the Company, or sign up to receive new seminars automatically every week by subscribing to my Business Masterclass series with iTunes or other podcast players.

The podcast is also related to ideas we've discussed in these blog posts:

What do you think I have left out? What do you think are the ways in which firms can and do add value? How do they REALLY go beyond being just holding companies with financial management procedures?

Friday, September 1, 2006

Managing the Multi-dimensional Organisation

Professional businesses today are structurally complex organisations with many senior people overburdened by time-consuming and often conflicting roles.

Professional businesses often have some combination of

  • Business unit
  • Geographic markets or offices
  • Division or department
  • Product line/service offering
  • Industry group
  • Key account team
  • Committees (recruitment, training)
  • Task force or project team (service innovation, new offerings)

Each of these organisational groupings can, and does, intersect with duplicated missions, overlapping membership, and common resource pools to draw upon.

I frequently hear comments like this from members of management:

"It's not at all clear what each of these groupings should be responsible for and how their activities should be coordinated and evaluated. If you are a key player in this organisation, you can spend an inordinate amount of time in meetings. There has got to be a better way to organise for effective operations!"

There is a better way, but the way professional businesses organise and manage has not kept up with their increasing complexity. Eventually -- I think sooner rather than later -- this will significantly impede their continuing success.

Not only do modern companies have more "types" of organisational groupings than in the past, but these groups now have broader responsibilities than the simple "generate and serve clients" goals of the past. To survive and flourish, individual groups within today's organisations must be accountable for client loyalty, knowledge transfer, development of their people (junior and senior), and many other "balanced scorecard" items.

To make it all worse, many of these groups are composed of people who, because of geographic dispersion, do not see each other regularly face-to-face. They have to operate as members of a "virtual" organisation. Many would not even recognise some of the people in their own operating groups, with whom they have to interact regularly.

As Marcel Goldstein, of the global public relations firm Ogilvy, wrote to us:

"The modern-day professional business lacks much formal structure, at least when compared with manufacturers, government agencies, and other organisations. This is a great asset, as it allows the flexibility, creativity, and autonomy necessary to adapt to client needs. It can have a darker side though: inefficiency, confusion, and process breakdowns.

"In many professions, clients are demanding cross-practice cooperation. But do we have the right structures and personal skill sets to successfully manage the integration of specialty expertise?

"The highly matrixed professional business turns downright chaotic during times of great change: acquisitions/mergers; technology disruptions; and transitions to integrated, cross-functional service delivery.

"Many professional businesses engage in acquisitions of great fanfare, only to have their value left unrealised by political undermining. In my experience, traditional manufacturers with structured, hierarchical management execute acquisitions with far less confusion and resulting paralysis.

"We need structures that don't squash flexibility and creativity but minimise inefficiency and confusion. We need help building the personal skill sets needed to manage ourselves and each other in these environments, especially during times of great change."

I certainly would not profess to have answers to all these complex issues. However, I believe that there are five perspectives that must guide any review of a firm's or company's structure.

Imperative 1: Examine Structure, Process, and People

The solution for an individual firm must always address three perspectives in any organisational review:

  1. structure (how we are formally organised);
  2. processes (how different types of decisions are to be made and how conflicts and trade-offs are to be resolved);
  3. and people (appointing the right individuals to play the complex roles that will make it all work).

No one dimension will solve the problem: all three must be examined. However, I suspect that the importance of these three elements in the solution may be first, people; then processes; then structure.

Imperative 2: Choose the Right Group Leaders

Many organisations believe, as I do, that selecting the right leaders (and having enough of them) is more important than structure or process.

Peter Kalis, managing partner of law firm Kirkpatrick & Lockhart, states the view forcefully:

"Structure and process -- while as essential to a law firm as a skeleton and a nervous system are to a human -- are prone to ossification and thus are fundamentally at war with the dynamism of the marketplace. People, on the other hand, are not. We try to elevate the empowerment of our people over the organisational niceties of structure and process except to the extent that those structural and process features work to empower our people."

Choosing the right people for leadership positions was always important, but is even more critical in complex organisations. Consider just some of the (newly important?) skills that today's group leader probably must have:

  • The ability (and interest) to motivate and influence people they never see in person
  • The ability to delegate and trust others to manage important relationships
  • The ability to play a "linking-pin" role, simultaneously thinking about the overall good of the firm while taking care of the needs of the units they are responsible for
  • The ability to manage people who have core disciplines other than the one in which the leader was specifically trained

It has always been true that effective management required a complex mix of social, interpersonal, psychological, political, and emotional skills on top of the high intelligence and technical skills necessary to rise to the top. I believe that as organisations become more complex, possession (and development) of these so-called soft skills must play an ever-more-important role in influencing who is selected to perform managerial or leadership roles.

Unfortunately, such considerations do not always play a dominant role in selecting group leaders. It is a common syndrome that all initiatives (client team, industry, geographic, functional, etc.) are seen as important, so the same senior people always end up on all the committees, often based on considerations other than managerial aptitude or even orientation.

As a result, it is somewhat hit-and-miss as to whether the right people get selected for these roles, their mandate is clear, their performance as leaders gets discussed and evaluated, and whether they receive any assistance or guidance in learning how to perform their roles.

Not only does this hurt the organisation by (possibly) leading to less effective team leadership, but it's not clear that it is wise to consume the limited time of valuable people by asking them to manage and/or get involved in everything. This is simple economics -- a valuable resource should always be focused on its highest and best use.

Imperative 3: Establish Mandates for Each Group

Even if you have an ideal structure, there will always be problems with coordinating cross-boundary resources and dealing with conflicting priorities. You cannot make all cross-boundary issues go away by simply redesigning the boundaries.

Beyond structure, companies must ensure that each group has a clear mission (or mandate) that is understood by those inside and outside the group.

In my experience, many firms launch new business units, various committees, or project teams with ambiguous charters and then leave it to powerful (or not-so-powerful) group leaders to determine through negotiations over time precisely how the groups will interact.

The case for doing this rests on the idea that internal competition is the inevitable result of shifting external market forces influencing each of the organisation's groups differently and that a flexible approach to the responsibilities and interactions of groups is an efficient way of responding to these external market forces.

However, I believe that failing to discuss and resolve the issues of group responsibilities (and how groups will interact and resolve conflicts and trade-offs) rarely results in optimal outcomes.

Under such an approach, power rather than principle determines group goals and how groups will interact, and this leads to lesser performance. Resolution of conflicting goals and clear, agreed-upon guidelines for decision making over trade-off situations must be determined in advance.

I also believe that organisations must stop treating all groups alike, which many unfortunately do, for administrative convenience. It is possible to use different types of groups for different things: lots of little teams for client-level relationships or one large central group for financial and administrative services.

A large, growing, and complex firm doesn't have to be (in fact, can't be) made up of units that have similar roles, look alike, have the same targets, and are managed in the same way.

In making all this work, it is almost better to stop thinking of permanent or semi-permanent "departments" and to begin to use the language of "teams." There is a great deal of evidence that organisations work better when people feel that they are volunteers self-selected to small mission-oriented teams.

This is not just a matter of making people "feel good." It has always been true that winning professional service firms succeed most by designing their organisations from the bottom up -- through the voluntary enthusiasm of individuals. You'll be better off with a messy set of teams filled with enthusiasts than you will with a logically correct set of groups filled with good citizens.

As Ben Johnson of law firm Alston & Bird remarked:

"One problem is that too many 'leaders' are afraid to create more energy than they can control. I tell people I'd rather have created more energy than I could control than not created any energy at all. Here's to structural complexity! Here's to dispersed leadership!"

On the other hand, it is also important that firms clarify the roles and responsibilities of group leaders and avoid the balkanisation of the organisation that can come from letting group leaders think that they are responsible only for their groups.

Peter Friedes, the former CEO of human-resources consulting firm Hewitt Associates, had this to say:

"I had 15 or so managers reporting to me. So I needed them to not be pulling the firm in different directions. One practice I had was to remind all those who reported to me that part of their role was to have my CEO perspective in managing their group. They were not to just be an advocate for their group or their people. They had to have a 'whole entity' view."

Imperative 4: Clarify Agreements Within the Groups

Whether you are managing a division, a key client team, or a limited-scope task force, every group needs to have a very clear understanding of what "team membership" implies. As a matter of practicality (although not, alas, reality in some firms) there also needs to be a limit on the number of teams one person can join (and the number of roles one person can play).

For teams to work, there need to be clear, explicit guidelines (even rules of engagement) that team members have agreed to observe. Clarifying team members' rights and obligations can go a long way toward becoming more efficient and effective. (Even as simple a rule as "You must do what you said you were going to do" would transform some organisations and save a lot of wasted meeting and planning time.)

The need for such agreements, while always wise, has become ever more critical in a virtual world. As Harry Truehart, chairman of law firm Nixon Peabody, observed, "Getting people and procedures that facilitate effective 'management at a distance' is the biggest challenge in making groups work."

I believe that if far-flung groups made up of many autonomous individuals are to make cohesive decisions over time, then it is necessary that the group members agree in advance the principles on which they will base their decisions -- the guidelines the group members agree to follow. Only with such an agreement in place can a decentralised organisation make consistent decisions.

Part of the solution, may involve thinking of (and formalising) different levels of team membership. For example, levels of "team membership" might include (i) full decision rights -- possible called Team Leadership, or (ii) right to be consulted -- called team membership or (iii) right to be kept informed -- called team affiliation. (These are examples only.)

Imperative 5: Recognise Shifting Priorities in Structural Design

Structural changes alone will not resolve conflicting priorities and competing demands for resources, but structure does nevertheless matter. The evolution of professional-service firms over time suggests that some structural approaches do work better than others. Most successful global firms, in a broad array of professions, have tilted the importance of their different organisational "axes."

For some time, there has been a general trend to make the target client industry the most important (and organisationally powerful) grouping. This has been driven by clients repeatedly telling their vendors and providers that they had better get to know and understand the client's business.

Next in authority and emphasis comes the specifically targeted client (or key account) team. Well-orchestrated client teams are the only answer to making seamless service across geography and product/service offerings a reality. Don Lents of law firm Bryan, Cave notes, "It is my sense that there is a growing focus on client teams and the need for such teams to be front and centre in the thinking of firms."

Third, and with increasingly less power and responsibility inside most organisations, are the traditional product or service-line groups built around a focused technical specialty or discipline. Companies need to have highly focused and skilled technical people, but few are still primarily organised that way.

Finally (and this is a huge revolution from the past), the trend has been to make geography the least important and powerful dimension of the complex matrix.

In the past, the office head (or country head in mega firms) was the source of all resources and the arbiter of last resort. Today, in many organisations, a geographic head may preside over a location whose people all belong to groups headed and "controlled" by a powerful leader located elsewhere.

This is not meant to denigrate the role of the geographic leader. As Bob Dell of law firm Latham & Watkins points out:

"Having the right leader in an office can be extremely effective in facilitating the success of all the other groups therein. There seems to be something about physical presence combined with a leader who is perceived as less biased toward any group that can be very powerful in resolving competing demands."

Moving Forward

I believe that there is a distinct process that firms need to go through to find their own customised solutions to managing a complex organisation.

The steps are these:

First, assess the perception of "pain and difficulties" felt by the current organisation, to determine people's appetite for considering changes. This will usually require a process of interviewing key players across the firm. No change can be made unless there is a keenly felt sense of either pressure or opportunity.

Next, it will be necessary to collect and assess the evidence as to how well the organisation and its components are currently performing and interacting. In a recent issue of The McKinsey Quarterly (2006, number 3), Cross, Martin, and Weiss described a detailed and powerful methodology for "mapping the value of ... collaboration."

Even if the approach is not this thorough, there will need to be an investigation of current organisational functioning, including not only an in-depth view of financials, analysed according to numerous perspectives, but also an analysis of external evidence (including, perhaps, input from selected clients) and internal structural frustrations and performance inhibitors.

It will be necessary to examine whether reward systems are in line with organisational objectives and whether profit-centre accounting systems are contributing to a balkanisation of the organisation.

At the other extreme, it would be worth examining whether the organisation is currently being held together and energised by sharing in what is sometimes referred to as an "overarching purpose" or shared values. This is an approach to organisation that is often fervently preached but rarely achieved.

Next, in any organisational review, would be the need to design and implement a process to generate commitment to re-examine organisational structures and processes and explore the major alternatives (including possibly re-constituting key groups). Any redesign, must, of course, ensure continuity of strategy formulation and implementation through the organisation.

Finally, it will be necessary to examine, consider, and implement methods for the development of special managerial skills and competencies as well as new metrics that may give better indications of the organisation's functioning and response to external forces or internal pressures.

It may also be necessary to design a process to get the organisation to recommit to a clarified sense of purpose, values, and "rules of membership": -- the principles and practices that people must follow to remain members in good standing of the organisation.

Of course, to make any of this work, there is a need for key players to be willing to let other people decide some things even when they're not there -- a situation which does not exist in many companies and firms!

I do not mean this to be a throwaway line. To effect real change, organisations must not try to establish "theoretically correct" structures and processes but must have honest discussions among powerful players about the types and nature of the firm's group processes that would, in fact, be honoured.

I have seen too many firms go through the motions of putting in place what appear to be sensible organisations, when everyone knows that certain key players will not adhere to the policies that have been adopted.

I'm not an idealist here -- I recognise the realities of the need to accommodate personalities and special situations. But I also do not believe that progress is made by pretending or obtaining "false consent." That is why organisational solutions must be custom-designed for each firm and need to be the result of a comprehensive review, not, as is so frequently the case, the net result of an accumulation of a series of incremental changes driven by short-run pressures.