Saturday, April 18, 2009

Web 2.0 and law firms

A question from a reader:

Though plenty of examples of "Enterprise 2.0" show tangible ways that social media can improve business, I have not been able to find many examples of law firms taking advantage of Web 2.0 technologies.  In the UK at least, it seems that although some niche blawgs are very popular and have done quite well in establishing the author(s) as authorities in their respective fields, law firms as organisations have yet to take advantage of new platforms in substantive ways (as have eg investment banks with internal use of wikis/ social networking).

Am I right in thinking that this is pioneer territory for law firms?  If not, could you please point me to some good examples of firms that use social media -- internally or externally -- to improve productivity/ efficiency/ client services (ie beyond business development/ HR/ recruitment functions)?

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