Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Call for Blawg Review submissions

The Blawg Review, weekly showcase of the best recent posts on blawgs (law blogs), has again invited me to host the Review for this coming Monday, October 22.

I would like therefore to encourage my readers and contributors to submit your own articles for review.

If you aren't familiar with the Blawg Review, you can look at the Blawg Review home page, as well as the current issue: northern hemisphere edition and New Zealand edition.

Blawg Review Submission Guidelines

  • Deadline for submission is 11:59 p.m. PST on Saturday, October 20
  • I greatly appreciate if you can send your submissions well before the deadline!
  • You are welcome and encouraged to submit blog posts by other people which you'd like to recommend as well as your own writing
  • Articles on law practice management, marketing, business strategy and career development are especially welcome
  • Click on this Blawg Review submission link to submit your article

With your support, I look forward to presenting readers here as well as the Blawg Review regulars with an excellent roundup of blog articles on the business of law and life as a lawyer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Richard, thank you kindly for linking to the Dual Hemisphere edition of Blawg Review #130!

Geoff Sharp, my co-host, and I both appreciate it so much.

I'm very much looking forward to your presentation on Monday of Blawg Review #131, and I know many others are, too.

I know how much hard work goes into it, and I wish you the very best of luck in your duties as Blawg Review host!

Best wishes,