Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The Honours List

In the UK, it's traditional for the Queen to announce so-called New Year's "honours," including knighthoods, dameships, OBEs -- membership in the "Order of the British Empire" (yes, it's still called that for the honour, but nowhere else). This year, as you may have seen, Bono (of U2) received a knighthood.

Without trying to be regal about it, here's MY honors list for 2007, acknowledging the contributions of everyone who participated on this blog during the year.

Commentors 2006


Adnan, Lora Adrianse, Roma Ahuja, Jason Alba, Alberen, Grant Aldrich, David Alev, Scott Allen, Stephanie West Allen, Hugh Alley, Tyler Allison, Andreas, Angel, Recruiting Animal, Annette, Antoine Henry De Frahan, Steve Arpano


David B, Mark Baker, Ron Baker, Deepa Balaji, Martin Bamford, Lora Banks, Ann Bares, Chris Barrow, Uri Baruchin, John Beck, Jim Belshaw, Debra H. Bender, Jim Bennett, Ben, Rich Berger, Mel Bergstein, Phil Bernstein, Bud Bilanich, Bill, Friedrich Blase, Barend Blondé, Kent M. Blumberg, Wally Bock, Larry Bodine, Jerry Bogart, Sue Boggs, Bonnie, Eric Bostrom, Leo Bottary, Ed Boulton, Gary Bourgeault, David Bourgeois, Thomas M. Box, Mark Brady/fouro, Anne Braudy, Breakingranks, Ed Brenegar, Kevin Brennan, Bren, Lou Brothers, Bob Brown, Eric Brown, Paul Brown, Rob Brown, Bruce, Jean-Claude Brunner, Duncan Bucknell, James Bullock, Nigel Burke, Tim Burrows, Paul Buseyne


Shawn Callahan, Martin Calle, Anita Campbell, David Campbell, Jimmy Campbell, Sean Campbell, Johnny Canada, CarSinger, Sebastian Carey, Travis Carnahan, John Carroll, Allan Carton, Robert Edward Cenek, Prem Chandavarkar, Tom Chandler, James Cherkoff, Clarke Ching, Sunil Choudhary, Chris, Eric Christiansen, Todor Christov, John Clough, Elizabeth Cockle, Colin, Tom Collins, Geoff Considine, Niall Cook, Robert Crampton, Dan Crites, Ctd, Curt


DUST!N, Petri Darby, Peter Darling, Bob Daugherty, David, James Davidson, Andrew Davis, Jennifer Davis, Krishna De, Dean, Debbie, Dee, Todd Defren, Dennis, John Dillard, Ed Dodds, Ahmet Dogramaci, Bill Dotson, Stephen Downes, Norman Dragt, Lance Dunkin, Scott Dunn, Joanne Dustin


Francis Egenias, Heidi Ehlers, Carolyn Elefant, Emmanuel, Judy Erickson, Eric, Raissa Evans, Ron Evans


Steve Farber, Anna Farmery, Brad Farris, Adam J. Fein, Douglas Ferguson, David Ferrabee, Lindsay Fikowski, 1styearassociate, Kathy Fish, Doug Fletcher, John Flood, Dr. Leonhard Fopp, Donis W. Ford, Tristan Forrester, David Foster, Fouro, Linda Freedman(TherapyDoc), Allan Freeman, David Frey, Peter Friedes, Dean Fuhrman, Jordan Furlong


David G, Edward Gabrielse, Ganesh, Barbara Garabedian, Charlie Garrard, Gareth Garvey, Gautam, Alexei Ghertescu, David Giacalone, Mike Gilronan, Matt Ginn, Paul Gladen, Dave Glynn, Michelle Golden, Marcel Goldstein, GordonG, Phil Gott, Brooks Gould, Mark Gould, Mark Graban, Gordon Gray, Charles H. Green, Tim Griffin, Clive Griffiths, Dan Griffiths, Lisa Guinn, Peter Gwizdalla


Isabelle Hakala, David Harmon, Andy Havens, Jim Hayward, Ken Hedberg, Beverly Hedrick, Hejustlaughs, Lori Herz, Markus Herzog, Joseph Heyison, Tom Hoff, GL Hoffman, Marc Hoppers, Amanda Horne, Chris Horne, Dennis Howlett, Robert Hruzek, Huda, Hunter, Jol Hunter, Laura Hunter, Jon Husband, Kami Husye


S. Anthony Iannarino, Paul Illes, Carl Isenburg, Lee Iwan, Lori Iwan


David Jacobson, Patrick Jacques, Eric C Jaffe, Jaylpea, Ron K Jeffries, Jennifer, Jld, Joan, John, Stuart Jones, Jon, Joscelyn, Jose, Josh, Juliet


Cem Kaner, Steve Kaplan, Danielle Keister, Rita Keller, Tim King, David Kirk, Alexander Kjerulf, Edward J Kless, John Koetsier, Kok Van Der Weijden, David Koopmans, John Kottcamp, Mark Kraemer, Howard Krais, Greg Krauska, Peter Kua


Patrick J. Lamb, Ron Lamb, Norma Laming, Van Lanier, David Law, Miriam Lawrence, Greatest American Lawyer, Steven Ledgerwood, Dave Lee, Ed Lee, Mark Lee, Wendy Leibowitz, Moe Levine, Bruce Lewin, Stuart Liroff, Dave Livingston, Dave Lorenzo, Howard Lovatt, Karen Love, Suzanne Lowe, Tom Lowe, Toby Lucich, Ludwig, Andrew Lumsden, Simon Luscombe


Brett M, Tim MMF, MOHAN KRISHNAN, Bruce MacEwen, Macz, Greg Magnus, Manny, Mark Maraia, Marco Antonio P. Gonçalves, Markkleeberg, Stephen Marshall, Susan Marshall, Arnoud Martens, Mason, James Mason, Matt Mason, A F Massari, Lisa Mather, Hugo Matislaw, Steve Matthews, Matt, Ed Mays, Erik Mazzone, Alex McCafferty, Lex McCafferty, Moray McConnachie, Erin McCune, Patrick McEvoy, Sharon McGann, Jim McGee, Pat McGee, Bob McIlree, Francine McKenna, Patrick J. McKenna, Michael McKinney, Alexander McLaren, Chris McLaughlin, Malcolm McLelland, Mel, Jeff Merrifield, Carol Metzker, Ann Michael, Mike O'Horo ("The Coach"), Mike, Milan, Warren Miller, MillionDollarCountDown, Maggie Milne, Cristian Mitreanu, Johnnie Moore, Matt Moore, Stephanie Fox Muller, Dan Murray, Mike Myatt


Arvind Nadkarni, Rob Nance, Nancy, Nancy Roggen, Liz Nash, Mark Needham, Ludwig Ng, Nicole, Miika Niemelä, Nneka


Paul O'Byrne, Eileen O'Hara, Old Secretary, Orikinla Osinachi, Erek Ostrowski


Jan Pabellon, Justin Patten, Paughnee, Yiannis Pavlou, Steven Pearce, Bill Peper, Tim Percival, Bill Perry, Florin Petean, Peter, Erich Peters, David Phillips, Lars Plougmann, Jerry Van Polen, John Eric Pollabauer, Steve Portigal, Barbara Walters Price, Gregory Price


Deborah Crawley Quinn


RJON, Manoj Ranaweera, Prem Rao, Lyman Reed, Joe Reevy, Russell Rensburg, Ric, Rightwingprof, Jeff Risley, James Robertson, Rob, Steve Roesler, Rolf, Rolf Van Der Meer, Suzanne Rose, Steve Rucinski, Roman Rytov


Kosol S., Nick Saban, Jon Sacker, Jeff Sansone, Mike Sansone, Mark Schenk, Brent Schlenker, Spencer Schmerling, Frank Schophuizen, Bryan I. Schwartz, Scott, Tim Scout, Rusty Scupper, Stephen Seckler, Abram Serotta, Rajesh Setty, Roland Shankles, Peter Shaw, Gavin Sheehan, Paul Shillam, Steve Shu, Shuchetana, Coach Shweta, Tom Siebert, Linas Simonis, Carl A. Singer, Carl Singer, Brijinder Singh, Johan Sleegers, Andrew Smith, David A. Smith, Michal Sobczyk, Brian Sommer, Sonnie, Dustin Staiger, Terry Starbucker, Starbucker, Constantinos Stavropoulos, Mark Stevens, Brit Stickney, Prashant Subhedar, Bob Sutton, Nut Suwapiromchot


Dan T., Zale Tabakman, David Tebbutt, Ted, Tojo Thatchenkery, Kathleen O'Brien Thompson, Stephen Thomson, Ava C. Thorin, Mister Thorne, Joseph Thornley, Richard Thornton, Charles Tippett, Tired Secretary, Eric Tong, Stefan Topfer, Fiona Torrance, Rick Turoczy, Stefan Töpfer


Peter Vajda, Tom "Bald Dog" Varjan, Coert Visser, Von Von


Dan W, Michael Wagner, Liam Wall, Bo Warburton, Warren Miller, ASA, CPA, Neha Wattas, Michael Webb, Ellen Weber, Michael Webster, Alan Weiss, Ian Welsh, Ed Wesemann, Fred Wiersma, Mott Williamson, Clyde Willis, Susan Wittenoom, Darren Woolley, Bob Worley, Vicky Wright, Jay Wynn


John Zapolski, David Zatz, Hyokon Zhiang, Zorak163

Trackbacks 2006

AccMan Pro
Accounting for a Detoured Economist
Adam Smith, Esq.
Adventure of Strategy
Advertising Age
Afficionados of Ink
All Things Workplace
Amitai Givertz's Recruitomatic Blog
Antitrust Review
Asia Mind Dynamics - Accelerate Your Performance

Bag and Baggage
Balanced Life Center
Be Excellent (TM)
Benjamin Bach and Associates
Better Communications Results
Biz Growth News
Blawg Review
Blog Business World
Blog Carnival
Blueprint for Financial Prosperity
Bob Sutton : Work Matters
Breaking Ranks
Brown Consulting Group
Brown Consulting Group Blog
Bruce Lewin
Bruce's Blog
Bryan C. Fleming
Business & Technology Reinvention
Business of Marketing and Branding
Buyout Blog
BWPrice's Marketing U

Career Intensity Blog
Casual Fridays
Ceci N'est Pas
Central Desktop Blog
Chief Happiness Officer
Client Service Insights (CSI)
Cloudy Thinking
CollegeRecruiter.com Blog
Combat Consultancy
Common Ground
Communications Overtones
Compensation Force
Consumerism Commentary
Coolz0r - Marketing Thoughts
Corporate eLearning Development
Counsel to Counsel
Creating a Better Life
Creative Outlet Labs
CRM Lowdown
Crossroads Dispatches
Cultivate GREATNESS | Personal Development
Cyberlaw Central

Debt Hater
Direct Response Works

e e learning
Ed's World
Escape from Cubicle Nation
Evan Schaeffer's Legal Underground
Expertise Marketplace - Professional Service Firm Marketing Blog
Fat Pitch Financials
Financial Freedom Library
Forward Blog

Gautam Ghosh - Management Consultant
GEO 12.97N 77.56E
Golden Practices
growing changing learning creating

How to Build the Life You Want

In Search of Perfect Client Service
Infamy or Praise
Information Overlord
Innovation Zen
Inspire Our Teens UK
Instigator Blog
Integrated Marketing
Internet Marketing Resource Center

Jibber Jobber Blog

Kathy Maister's startcooking.com
Kent Blumberg
Kicking Over My Traces

Larry Bodine's LawMarketing Blog
Law Firm Business Development
Law.com Blog Network
Law.com Inside Opinions: Legal Blogs
LawSourcing Blog
lead and gold
Leadership for Lawyers
Lee Iwan, Bits and Pieces of Accumulated Experience
Legal Blog Watch
Legal Marketing Blog
Legal Sanity
LexBlog Blog
Limbic Nutrition
LloydLaw LLP
Luis Villa's Blog
Lunatic Wisdom: Life Beyond the Matrix

Manage To Change
Managing the Professional Services Firm
Marketing - Communications - Greg Magnus at eoecho
Marketing Babylon
Marketing Profs Daily Blog Fix
Marketing Profs: Daily Fix
Math class for poets
Matt Inglot's Thoughts on Entrepreneurship
Media Orchard
Michael's Thoughts
Modern Marketing - Blog by Collaborate PR
Money Thinking
More Than A Living
musings from strategic leverage partners
Musings from Strategic Leverage Partners
My 1st Million At 33

Nadim Habib
Names @ Work
Natalie Solent
New Media in Australia
New World Man - always hopeful, yet discontent

One Man Band

Patent Baristas
Pind.com: Lars Pind's blog
PointOfLaw Forum
PR Studies
purple motes
Purple Slog

Re-model 4 Life
Re: The Auditors
Reforming Project Management
Richard Wilson's Space
Roman's miles

Scot Herrick's BizBlog
Searchlight Crusade
Seeds of Growth
Selling to Small Business
Show Me the Money
Slacker Manager
Slow Leadership
Small Business Building Blocks
Small Business CEO
Small Business Gurus
SoloBlawg by Ben Cowgill
Sonnie's Porch
Spare Change
Spooky Action
St. Louis Blogs
Stark County Law Blog
Startup Spark
Steve Shu's Blog
Strive Notes
Success Connections

Tech Law Advisor
The Agonist
The Airport Lawyer
The Bell Curve Scar
the blogging boss
The Business Innovation Insider
The Business of America is Business
The Business of Information
The Coach Approach
The Engaging Brand
The Entrepreneurial Mind
The Expertise Marketplace
The Globe and Mail
The Greatest American Lawyer
The Lawyer Coach Blog
The Marcus Perspective
The New View From Object Towers
The Small Business Blog
Think Happy Thoughts
third life
Tim Worstall
Towards Better Life
TrackKnacks: Aptitude Wizard Watch
Transcending Gender

Uncommon Knowledge: free alternative business and technology knowledge to save you time and money.
Unleash Your Potential

Value Added HR - Four Groups
Value Investing, and a Few Cigar Butts
Vanvouver Law Librarian Blog
Verve Coaching
View From a Height

Wealth Building World
What About Clients?
What's on Mike's Mind
Widows Quest
Work Matters
Worker Bees Blog
Working at Home on the Internet
Working Solo
WUCL Career Services News
wWw SirLook Network

Zale Tabakman
Zen and the art of Nonprofit Technology

Podcast Trackbacks 2006

Bryan C. Fleming
Cool Podcasts
Corporate eLearning Development
Forward Blog
Infamy or Praise
Jibber Jobber Blog
Kishore Balakrishnan's Blog
Law.com Inside Opinions: Legal Blogs
Lunatic Wisdom: Life Beyond the Matrix
Michael's Thoughts
Pro PR
Risley Ranch
Show Me the Money
Spooky Action
Startup Spark
The FPG Notepad
third life
TrackKnacks: Aptitude Wizard Watch
WUCL Career Services News

Quite a list, isn't it? If you'd like a title to go with the honour, how about we call ourselves "Members of the Passion, People, Principles and Professionalism Party" (MPPPPP)?

(To pronounce it, sing it along to the tune of "Papa-Ooo-Mama-Mow.")


Anonymous said...

This is a "grand old party" to belong to indeed!

Keep creating,

Anonymous said...

Or we could call it MP5!

Thanks for your part in what was a great year Richard.

I am so happy that I stumbled upon you (I can't even remember how I got here the first time any more).

I am looking forward to reading all of your thought provoking posts in 2007!

Happy New Year!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's an honour to be on your list!

Thanks much for the recognition.

And I really like Ann's suggestion to call it the MP5!

Looking forward to reading and participating throughout 2007.

We at the MRG wish you all safety and prosperity for this new year.

- RY

Anonymous said...

Thank you Richard.

One of my sisters has gotten me interested in numerology and 7 is one of my good numbers.

I'm having a fantastic feeling about '07 and it's wonderful that you'll be there with me.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for including me in your "honours" list -- I feel privileged lol.

Yay -- I'm top of the list!!!

Anonymous said...

What a nice idea Richard!

Thanks so much for including me.

I wish you lots of happiness, vigour, enthusiasm, laughter and success just the way you want it this year.

Thanks for working so hard, although I have to tell you it makes the rest of us look bad.


All the best,
- Pam

Anonymous said...

Great idea Richard.

If my blog ever gets a comment, I may follow your lead and do this too.


Your blog is one of my favourites ... hope you are more successful with the blog and with life in general in 2007.

Anonymous said...

Richard, you are truly a thoughtful gentleman.

Thanks for inclusion on your star-studded list of web denizens.

And thanks for the articles and the blog ... especially Managing the Professional Services Firm.

(oh ... and the Fat Smoker).

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for inviting me to the party.

Sorry to be fashionably late but check out my shoes!

Just finished teaching a three day workshop on classroom management and have found your blog to be a great resource.

Have a great 2007!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Richard.

It looks like the links keep going, and going ... I'll bet you can double the traffic in 2007.

Have a great year!

PS: I have two more blogs for your readers:

1. AMG Mercedes-Benz | Enthusiasts

2. Exhibitor's Journal (a blog we created for a client, anything and everything you want to know about trade shows)

Anonymous said...


Thank you for The Wood Award!

The honours actually go to you!

There are so many people to thank.

You first.

Thank you!
