Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Carnival of Business #13: July 17th 2006

Today, I'm hosting this week's Carnival of Business. Numerous submissions were made, from which I have selected what I thought were the most interesting (presented here in descending order, starting with those I liked most.)

I LOVED Small Business CEO which describes how a Japanese company is redesigning barcodes to have appealing visual elements, to help with branding. There's a neat video to watch, too! I'm usually a "function over design" type of person, but this one got through to me.

David Lorenzo's Career Intensity has a thoughtful Top Ten list for Superachievers (and actually, for everybody else.)

The Business of America is Business contains an excellent discussion of the ongoing debate about whether the extradition by the US of the three UK bankers connected to the Enron affair is valid. Whether you are new to the story or have followed it all along, there's good analysis here.

Matt Inglot has a really useful post (for beginners) about how to process online payments. I found it very helpful.

Getting Out of Debt has some creative ideas about running a home-based business, especially on turning weaknesses into strengths.

Christine Kane (a musician) writes about having an Adventure Day -- doing something unpredictable and fun. She took the idea from a business context and applies to personal life, but it translates back very easily. A fun and stimulating post.

Money Thinking presents a list of eight questions to ask to determine if your new business idea is a good one. Not the first time I've seen these thoughts, but a good concise list.

Small Business Trend Radio has a 60-minute audio on search engine optimisation for small businesses. I would have preferred the information packaged in a way that didn't take 60 minutes of my time, but there was useful information there.

Debt Free explores the issue of the number of visas issued to allow foreign tech workers to come to the US, making the argument for protecting domestic US employment. Vehemently argued, with supporting statistics -- but he didn't quite convert this citizen who has a bias for open markets.

Blogtreprener describes how, every Friday, he and a group of friends get together to discuss ethical issues. This post, on ethics in entrepreneurialism, is a bit lightweight but could stimulate some interesting discussions in any group you may have.

Sequence Inc reports on the lawsuit against insurance companies by those damaged by Katrina. Does hurricane damage cover flood damage? There's not a lot here that's not been in the newspapers, but it's an interesting topic.

Nubricks.com referring to a US site, talks about (some pretty obvious) good and bad reasons to cash in on the equity in any real estate you own.

RadicalHop.com makes the simple but effective point that there is no such thing as time management -- only self management.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for featuring me in this week's Carnival of Business.

I agree that the ethical values of an entrepreneur could be ventured into further, but this was more of an introductory post.

Thanks again,

Anonymous said...

This is an excellent post ... particularly the "lists" from Money Thinking and Career Intensity.

I like so many other readers am a sucker for a good list and these are two good lists.

I am particularly interested in how entrepreneurs make some of the tradeoffs required at launch based on data available (if in fact they are reviewing available data).

I posted on it at http://thinking.bigskyassociates.com.

Keep up the great posts!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting!

Looks good.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Richard for hosting and featuring my submissions.

I am hosting on July 31st and hope I can maintain the quality of hosting you have provided.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for featuring our podcast.

Carnivals are an important way for us to get out the word about the show and find regular small business owners who may not necessarily be famous, but who have important subject matter expertise and can become guests on the show.

Our audio is a regular weekly one-hour radio show on the Voice America Internet radio network, featuring a single guest with an in-depth interview.

In that sense it is similar in format to the Diane Rehm Show on NPR, which coincidentally also is a one-hour show.

We find that length is a matter of personal, individual taste.

A one-hour show is for those who prefer, say, the in-depth focus on the Wall Street Journal or The New York Times, versus those who prefer shorter USA Today articles.

Anita Campbell,
Host, Small Business Trends Radio

Anonymous said...

Where else have you seen my list of what makes a good business idea?

I've never seen any of those things as far as I can think (of course scalability is pretty common sense).

I'd love to see other people's take on what makes a business idea a good one.


Anonymous said...

Innovation wins through its portfolio of experiments, not by being super-geniuses at spotting in advance the one that is going to work.

So, you need to stimulate a large number of experiments.

Anonymous said...

I have seen many peoples starting their buissnes by taking ideas with some one who attached with buissnes and doing a buissnes deals from a long time.
