Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Great Coach in Action -- New podcast episode available now

The eleventh episode of my new podcast series, Strategy and the Fat Smoker, is now live and available for download.

The series is dedicated to exploring the themes found in my article by the same name.  I encourage you to forward these to friends and associates who may be interested in the topics covered.

The eleventh episode, A Great Coach in Action, tells and examines a story of exemplary coaching skills.  Often, managers are content to rely on performance appraisals, cold criticism, and appeals to another's sense of personal responsibility towards the organisation in order to effect positive change in a person's performance.  These approaches seldom work, as we've seen in previous episodes.  In this episode we will describe an approach that does work:  ensuring that those in managerial roles have the attitudes, skills, and behaviours of a skilled coach.

00:37 -- Introduction
01:13 -- An example of a great coach in action
05:29 -- The lessons
22:26 -- Last thoughts

You can download A Great Coach in Action or sign up to receive new Business Masterclass seminars automatically with iTunes or other podcast players.  (Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to subscribe).  My seminars are always available for download at no cost.

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