Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New Blogosphere game

Michel-Adrian Sheppard on www.SLAW.CA writes:

"Many people may remember the "meme" that went around the blogosphere about a year ago, something called Five Things You Didn't Know About Me. The idea was simple: reveal 5 pieces of information that people might not know about you and then contact other people to contribute. A bit like a chain letter. But much more fun in terms of time wastage.

"Well, there is a new meme zipping around the Net: open the nearest book to page 123, go down to the 5th sentence and type up the 3 following sentences. Then, pass the message along to other people you want to invite to contribute to the game".

I don't want to obligate others, but it sounded fun so here goes:

(From EPIC CHANGE: How to Lead Change in the Global Age, by Timothy R. Clark, which was sent to me by his publicist to review)

"In almost every case, change must be handed off for implementation. Unless there is broad-based action by many people, change won't take place. Change usually affects far more people than those who identify it as a need"


An interesting experiment. You can also imagine providing this quote as an examination question, followed by the instruction: "Discuss"


Anyone else want to join in either on their own blog, or in the comments here? Closest book to you, page 123, start at 5th sentence, and type the following three sentences.

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