Monday, February 12, 2007

Lessons from a Natural Manager -- new careers podcast episode

As a business consultant, it has been my job to teach people how to be effective managers, and how to build successful businesses. Dyelry (Jerry) Labbate, the manager of the exercise gym I attend in downtown Boston, seems to have figured the art of managing out on his own.

My latest podcast episode, A Natural Manager, explores crucial lessons on effective management from the Jerry's intuitive managerial approach.

All these lessons apply in other workplaces, even among highly paid people with advanced degrees in glamorous professions (though they don't always like to admit it).


00:51 -- A brief professional history
02:23 -- Essential hiring practices
05:25 -- The importance of clarity in employee training
08:13 -- Structuring monthly meetings with your team
10:33 -- Dealing with underperformers
13:05 -- Takeaway lessons from a natural manager

You can download Learning to Manage or sign up to receive new Business Masterclass seminars automatically with iTunes or other podcast players. (Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to subscribe.) My seminars are always available for download at no cost.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this article!

Very useful, especially for me, future manager!

Found some interesting tips that I'll try to follow them in my future career!

On the whole, thanks a lot to you for your blog!

Always very interesting to read!

Good luck!