Saturday, December 22, 2007

We Succeed When We All Succeed

In a previous blog post and article, I wrote about Jay Bertram, president of the TBWA office in Toronto, who asked his people to evaluate him and offered to resign if he did not improve how well he performed his role as their leader.

As a follow up, here's an end-of-year email that Jay received from one of his people:

Subject: We Succeed When We All Succeed

Dear Jay,

There are few leaders that have the many qualities that you have. You guide, support, listen, mentor, advise, educate and best of all lead by example (and these are only a few of your great qualities.) You find the good in everyone you come into contact with. You bring out the good in everyone.

It is because of you that I want to work harder, work better and not only achieve, but also exceed my personal and professional goals. You have allowed me to open new chapters in my career and to further my knowledge. Sure we are working hard, and although at times it can be stressful, you still make it a fun place to work. Nobody could ask for a better job; nobody could ask for a better President. I certainly can't. I am proud to work with you in a dynamic Advertising Agency.

Thank you for the many opportunities; the many, many chats; your continued support and teaching me to become a stronger person. Neither our colleagues nor I would be where we are at today, without you at the helm.

We have worked together for four great years now. I look forward to working with you for many more.

I hope that you get some R&R and enjoy the spirit of the season with your family during the Christmas break. I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2007 and beyond.


(name withheld)

PS -- We are closed Monday thru Friday next week. I am begging you to take this time to NOT WORK. But if you do work, you are always welcome to call me at anytime if you need anything. I'll be there!!

Isn't that fabulous?

Jay was kind enough to say that I had made a real difference in his life and now he is affecting others. As he says, it clearly demonstrates that if you practice what you preach you can make a difference in the lives of others.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thanks for sharing this.

We hear a lot of preaching, but often never see the practicing.

Leading by example is authentic and that is what we all crave in government, church, work, etc.

What a letter of validation!
