Monday, November 13, 2006

Technician vs. Professional: which are you?

What is professionalism? How do you achieve it yourself, and how do you manage in order to elicit it in others?

What, for example, does it mean to be a great secretary, compared only to being a good one? The answers will influence how we traditionally think of professionalism. It's not just applicable to those with advanced degrees.

Are you a real professional or just a highly-paid technician?

This second episode in my Career Development podcast series, entitled "Real Professionalism" is all about the difference between being just a technician and being a true professional, including:

  • the key attitudes and character traits that make a true professional;
  • the difference between real professionalism and self-interested professionals;
  • what managers can do to cultivate professionalism.

My Business Masterclass seminars are always downloadable at no cost. You can download "Real Professionalism" or sign up to receive new seminars automatically by subscribing to my Business Masterclass podcast series with iTunes or other podcast players. (Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to subscribe.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In my business, which is a solo practice providing administrative support services, I do also wear the hat of technician, but what distinguishes my services from that of an employee is that I am not just focused on doing the work.

I'm interested in the big picture of my clients' businesses.

I want to understand where that work fits in to their processes, and I examine those processes (or lack thereof) to determine if there's a better, more efficient or integrative way of doing things.

I'm all about making my client's business better, not just doing the work.

And it's definitely relational, rather than transactional.

The tasks involved in the work I do for clients might be more readily obvious, but it's the overall support and ongoing evolution of that support which creates the value thay my clients find in my services.