Thursday, November 29, 2007

First Annual Audience Survey

Regular readers know that I frequently write about the importance of feedback, and I am great proponent of asking for feedback from one's clients.

As my first year of blogging winds to a close, it is time to practice what I preach and ask you, my readers, for your feedback: about this blog, and also about my podcast and my articles mailout.

I have been heartened and pleasantly surprised at the generous response when I have asked readers for your advice and suggestions in the past, in discussions like Help me with my strategy, Are we too negative?, and Creating Awareness -- Advice Please.

I hope that once again you will be willing to take just a few minutes to let me know what works for you at, what doesn't, and how I can make this site more useful and enjoyable for you.

Client Service Questionnaire

For each of the following statements about our firm, please indicate whether you: strongly disagree (1); somewhat disagree (2); neither agree nor disagree (3); somewhat agree (4); strongly agree (5)

  • You are thorough in your approach to your work
  • You show creativity in your proposed solutions
  • You are helpful in redefining our view of our situation
  • You are helpful in diagnosing the causes of our problem areas
  • You staff my work well: there is enough senior time
  • You staff my work well: you don't have high-priced people doing junior tasks
  • Your people are accessible
  • You keep your promises on deadlines
  • You document your work activities well
  • Your communications are free of jargon
  • You offer fast turnaround when requested
  • You listen well to what we have to say
  • You relate well to our people
  • You keep me sufficiently informed on progress
  • You let us know in advance what you're going to do
  • You notify us promptly of changes in scope, and seek our approval
  • You give good explanations of what you've done and why
  • You don't wait for me to initiate everything: you anticipate
  • You involve us at major points in the engagement
  • You have a good understanding of our business
  • You make it your business to understand our company
  • You are up to date on what's going on in our world
  • You make us feel as if we're important to you
  • You deal with problems in our relationship openly and quickly
  • You keep us informed on technical issues affecting our business
  • You show an interest in us beyond the specifics of your tasks

If a business acquaintance asked you about your experience with us, would you give us an unqualified endorsement?


Anonymous said...

Richard --

I think the survey is a wonderful idea.

I'm sure you'll see it "emulated" in many blogs over the next several weeks or so as we hit year end.

I hope the overall results offer the kind of feedback you find helpful.

Anonymous said...

Hi Richard,

First of all, thank you for the offer to provide feedback.

I read your blog at least weekly and have done so since the days of "Ask Richard a Question".

I must admit that I've not taken advantage of the podcasts yet, and I generally come to your site to look for articles rather than having them mailed to me.

The reason for the latter is just my feeble attempt to manage my inbox.

As far as the blog goes, here's my short list of what I believe you are doing "right":

• You follow your own advice by focusing on what's really valuable (not flavour of the month stuff) and by being concerned about being helpful rather than obsessed with being right

• Your blog is not a thinly veiled attempt to sell something (though it must be a great marketing tool!)

• You attract responses from some incredibly bright and creative people and I've learned much from visiting their sites and reading their blogs

At the moment, I can't say that there is anything on your site that doesn't work for me.

I would like to see you pursue something that was suggested recently though.

That is, posing a difficult question or client situation that you have encountered (properly sanitised and aged of course) and soliciting ideas, solutions, etc.