Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Welcome, welcome back and thanks!

It's time to thank the community for participating. For the month of July, here are those who joined our discussions. They have my appreciation, gratitude, and thanks. I don't know who to thank more -- those who joined in for the first time, or those who have been loyal, frequent participants for some time. Obviously, it's both equally!

Now, who is going to design the logo for the "club badge" that we can all wear? What should the T-shirt say?


Adnan, Alberen, Hugh Alley, Steve Arpano, Lora Banks, Chris Barrow, Rich Berger, Kent M. Blumberg, Eric Boehme, Bonnie, Leo J Bottary, Breakingranks, Duncan Bucknell, James Bullock, Tim Burrows, Shawn Callahan, Anita Campbell, Sebastian Carey, John Carroll, James Cherkoff, Clarke Ching, Eric Christiansen, Dan Crites, D, DUST!N, Jennifer Davis, Krishna De, John Dillard, Eric, Steve Farber, Brad Farris, Charlie Garrard, David Giacalone, Mark Gould, Charles H. Green, Dennis Howlett, Jaylpea, Jennifer, Jon, David Koopmans, Peter Kua, Ed Lee, Bruce Lewin, Tim MMF, MOHAN KRISHNAN, Bruce MacEwen, Peter Macmillan, Steve Matthews, Lex McCafferty, Patrick J. McKenna, Ann Michael, Matt Moore, Justin Patten, Bill Peper, Tim Percival, Bill Perry, Peter,, Jeff Risley, Steve Rucinski, Roman Rytov, Brent Schlenker, Sebastian, Carl Singer, Starbucker, David Tebbutt, Fiona Torrance, Coert Visser, Curt Wehrley, Fred Wiersma


AccMan Pro, Adam Smith, Esq., Adventure of StrategyAntitrust Review, Biz Growth News, Blog Carnival, Blogtrepreneur, Bryan C. Fleming, Burrows, Client Service -- Leo Bottary, Coolz0r -- Marketing Thoughts, Creating A Better Life, Direct Response Works, Fat Pitch Financials, Financial Freedom Library, Golden Practices, Law Firm Business Development, Blog Network, Legal Sanity, Marketing Babylon, Marketing Profs Daily Blog Fix, Matt Inglot's Thoughts on Entrepreneurship, Money Thinking, morepartnerincome, musings from strategic leverage partners, Names @ Work, Natalie Solent, Reforming Project Management, Roman's miles, Seeds of Growth, Small Business CEO, Success Connections, The Agonist, The Bell Curve Scar, the blogging boss, The Business of America is Business, The Coach Approach, The Expertise Marketplace, The Marcus Perspective, Tim Worstall, What's on Mike's Mind, Women@Sun


Anonymous said...

Trackbacks to podcasts don't count?

I'll try harder next month.

Anonymous said...


So will I!


Anonymous said...

Logo -- Something evocative of the international symbols for things like nuclear materials or biohazards.

Motto -- "We're trained professionals. Don't try this at home".

Anonymous said...


Perhaps we can invite the creative types in your readership to suggest symbols or pictures to represent the concepts of "Passion, People and Principles".

Tough job for most of us, I know, but I am sure there are some who would relish the challenge (while the rest of us can admire their efforts)!


Anonymous said...

Great idea!

And will the lawyers help me register the trademark in every country around the world?

If I offer a fine dinner in exchange for a logo and a slogan, will the accountants figure out if the exchange is "barter" or is going to be taxable?

I'm getting to like this idea very much!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the recognition.

Also, thanks for hosting the Carnival of Business.

If you want to do so again, you know how to contact me.

Anonymous said...

I love your practice of publicly thanking commenters each month!

Great idea, but one I rarely see implemented by bloggers who attract numerous comments.

(Note to self: Woo-hoo! Made my once-a-month comment on Wood's blog. That'll get me on his thank-you list for September).

(Note to Richard: Just kidding! I enjoy engaging in the conversations you start. Looking forward to more in the future).

Anonymous said...

I wish I could take credit for the idea, and present myself as naturally courteous and well-mannered, but it wouldn't be the truth.

My tech team suggested it -- and here's the clue: they're all Canadians!

There are many attractive cultures aroung the world, but in my experience, the Canadians win the Gold medal for "niceness" -- and I steal ideas from the best!

Anonymous said...

Hi Richard!

I've not been blogging much lately (as you've probably noticed) -- Thank you for the credit here!

It's appreciated.
