Monday, July 24, 2006

Strategy Podcast Series

Today I've added to my podcast page the second episode (Strategy and the Fat Smoker) of my new series on strategy.

That episode is based on the 2005 article of the same name, while the first episode in the series (How to Create a Strategy) dates back to a 2000 article I wrote. For me, part of the challenge and the fun of putting my podcast series together has been the chance to reorganise material from my five books and other articles into what I hope is an internally consistent sequence of thoughts and advice.

So, in addition to serving those who like to listen rather than read, the new podacst series also creates a new way, not previously available, of obtaining all my ideas on a related subject all in one package.

You can listen to this week's seminar with the player shown just below this paragraph or you can download this episode or subscribe to the podcast through my new Business Masterclass podcast page. You can also subscribe with iTunes or Podcast Alley.

Unlike the two previous podcast series (on Marketing and Managing) which were designed to help individuals in their individual role, this latest series is about the challenges of guiding an organisation. Over the course of the series, I'll talk about values, collaboration, geographical expansion, diversification, mergers and adaptability (not necessarily in that order, though).

Many people have been kind enough to suggest that my ideas apply beyond the boundaries of the professional sectors on which I previously focused, so in this series I have tried to modify my language to be as inclusive as possible.

For those of you who have already experienced my podcasts, you'll notice that I have made some changes to my podcast page to try and enhance the experience. For each episode in the seminar series, there are now "notes for the episode" in which I'll try and include things like lists I go through, so that you won't have to take notes furiously. There are also links to other materials on my site (articles, blogs, videos) that are related to each specific episode.

For the series as a whole, there is a 39-page set of handouts downloadable here. (Actually, you don't need to sign up for the podcast series to download the seminar handouts. And, if you go to that same link, you'll see free downloadable seminar handouts on Managing, Client Relations and Careers as well!)

I have also redesigned the podcast page to allow you to provide feeback by writing reviews on iTunes, Yahoo, and vote for the podcast on Podcast Alley. I appreciate your support and help in spreading the word about what you think might be helpful to others (if you think that.)

Finally, I hope I can beg your forbearance and indulgence (I didn't go to college for nothing!) if any glitches occur in implementing all these changes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Richard, I was first introduced to you when Harold Burson, founder of PR company Burson-Marsteller, gave me your article True Professionalism.

I was wary of the article being another "yet US management theory tome" but I remember I sat and read it in one go.

I still lend that copy to other people who ask me about consulting because it is so full of down-to-earth, relevant advice.

10 years later I am finding your podcasts just as inspiring as I go through the process of building my own consultancy.

Thank you.