Sunday, February 3, 2008

It Takes a Virtual Village

It clearly takes a virtual village to run a blog, because this month the site has been teeming with support and participation from at least a village worth of people (and a big village at that).

It is my pleasure to acknowledge the contributions of everyone who joined in here during the month of January.

Adnan, Adriana, Lora Adrianse, AdsBay, Jerome Alexander, Stephanie West Allen, Allen, Ann, Kishore Balakrishnan, Ann Bares, Jason Bates, Richard Becker, Nagesh Belludi, Stuart Blake, Wally Bock, Breakingranks, Eric Brown, Rob Brown, Duncan Bucknell, James Bullock, Shawn Callahan, Johnny Canada, Brian Cassell, James Cherkoff, Clarke Ching, Brendon Connelly, Carmine Coyote, Jef Cumps, Krishna De, Kathleen DeFilippo, John Dillard, Bill Dotson, Stephen Downes, Bill Dueease, Lance Dunkin, Heidi Ehlers, Judith Erickson, Doug Ferguson, David Foster, Adrian G., Robert Gagliano, Gautam, Paul Gladen, Mark Gould, Charles H. Green, Lisa Guinn, Rachael Heald, Ken Hedberg, Heidi, Brad Hendricks, Scot Herrick, Dennis Howlett, S. Anthony Iannarino, Jennifer, Jim, Timothy Johnson, Danielle Keister, Dr. Delaney Kirk, Matthew Klein, Howard Krais, Greg Krauska, Peter Linton, Stephanie Lunn, Bruce MacEwen, Carolyn Manning, Arnoud Martens, Marti, James Mason, James McGee, Bob McIlree, Arthur Mcbeth, Ann Michael, Mike, Nitin, Emmanuel Oluwatosin, Erek Ostrowski, Peggy, Bill Peper, Tim Percival, Steve Portigal, RJON, Brady Reed, Rob Reed, Steve Roesler, Stephen Ruben, Rich Saletan, Bryan I. Schwartz, Daniel Scocco, Stephen Seckler, Tracey Segarra, Shank, Maureen Sharib, Mark Shead, Pamela Slim, Stephi, Ed Strickling, Bilal Succar, Charles Tippett, Tom "Bald Dog" Varjan, Tim Travers, Heidi Tryon, Peter Vajda, Raj Waghray, Michael Wagner, Ellen Weber, Ian Welsh, John Wesley, Gerald Whyte, Randy Yniguez, Liz Zitzow

A Girl's Guide to Managing Projects
Accountants Round-Up
Afficionados of Ink
All Things Workplace
Balanced Life Center
Be Excellent�
Blawg Review
Blog Business World
Blog Critics Magazine
Bob Brown's Consulting Intelligence Briefings
Bryan C. Fleming
BurstCreativity: Personal Development Blog, Innovation training, Creativity and Self Help community
Business Growth Network
carpe factum
Chief Innovation Officer
Clarke Ching's I Think Not, Baby Puppy
Common Ground
Compensation Force
Connecting Technology, Strategy and Execution
Conor's Blog
Copywrite, Ink.
Creating a Better Life
CRM Lowdown
Cultivate GREATNESS | Personal Development
Data-Scribe Blog | Musings & News
David Crow
David Jacobson's External Insights
Endless Gibberish Personal Finance Blog
Fat Pitch Financials
Flooring The Consumer
Free Money Finance
Gautam Ghosh -- Management Consultant
Half an Hour
JainTech Blog
Jorge Arango
Lead and Gold
Legal Andrew
Managing the Professional Services Firm
McGee�s Musings
Minor Wisdom
Modern Marketing -- Blog by Collaborate PR
One Man Band
Organize Your Home and Office
Positive Psychology Blog
Pro PR
Public Defender Stuff
purple motes
Re: The Auditors
Roth And Company, P.C.
Searchlight Crusade
Software Project Management
Stark County Law Library Blog
Startup Spark
Strategic Design | marketing & branding thoughts by Nick Rice
The Agonist
The AntiSyphus Effect
The Benin Epilogue Part I: Africa-Ready for Busine
The Career Encouragement Blog
The Changing NHS
The Conway Group LLC
The Dragon Slayer's Guide to Life
The Engaging Brand
The Entrepreneurial Mind
The General Counsel Blog
The Lawyer Coach Blog
The PR place
The Sales Blog
Think Happy Thoughts
This is not
Towards Better Life
TrackKnacks: Aptitude Wizard Watch
Trusted Advisor Associates
Verve Coaching
Victus pro Scientia Opus -- Food for the Knowledge
Your Trusted Selling Brand

Podcast Trackbacks
Accountants Round-Up
Balanced Life Center
Burst Creativity
Creating a Better Life
JainTech Blog
Michael's Thoughts
Re: The Auditors
Think Happy Thoughts
Towards Better Life
TrackKnacks: Aptitude Wizard Watch
Verve Coaching

These lists represents a collection of some tremendous blogs and professional experts. If you are looking to add to your reading list, take a moment to click through and visit everyone on their "home turf."


Anonymous said...

My pleasure, Richard.

Glad to take part in the conversation and happy to have discovered your blog.

Keep up the great thought provocations!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the great links -- I look forward to exploring these.

I'm also interested in developing a list of relevant podcasts for my management students so will be looking at these also.

Anonymous said...


That certainly is a lot of comments, trackbacks, and podcast mentions there.

Quite impressive really.

And something to go through for quite a while.

Thanks =D

Anonymous said...

Richard, I'm as pleased to be part of your village as I am that you're part of mine.
